Hyderabad: Veteran Congress leader and Former minister T. Jeevan Reddy on Saturday flayed the claims of TRS MP K. Kavitha on grabbing the Jagtiyal assembly seat represented by him. He wondered as to how the TRS, which failed to win the seat in last assembly elections in held in 2014 in the midst of the height of separate telangana sentiment, would win it in the present elections.
“The TRS party has won all the assembly seats in the undivided Karimnagar district except my constituency. The people of Jagityal blessed me in the last assembly elections. The Congress party will not only win from Jagityal but also form the government in the state after the assembly elections,” he said.
He also utilized the occasion to take a potshot at state industries minister KTR, who said that he would quit politics if his party did not form the government in the state after the ensuing elections. “ His statement is quite absurd and laughable. A true politician is the one who lives amid his people without considering his victories and defeats. I have done the same thing in my constituency. I spent my entire life with them weather I won or lost the elections,” he said.
[source_without_link]NSS [/source_without_link]