Jeddah: King Abdulaziz International Airport (KAIA) of Jeddah to become operational on an experimental basis in the beginning of 2018.
According to the news published in Arabian Business, the 1st phase of KAIA can handle 30 million passengers per annum. 21000 engineers and workers are working at the airport.
The airport has control towers of the height of 136 meters which are among the tallest ones in the world.
Talking about the airport, Director General (Planning and Studies) of General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA), Mr. Ibrahim Mandoura said that after the completion of phase II of the airport, it can handle 55 million passengers. After the final phase, the airport can handle 100 million passengers.
It may be mentioned that so far, 88% of the works have been completed and the airport has a capacity to serve 36.5% of total passengers of all the Saudi airports.
This airport will have the facility for both the international and domestic passengers. The cost of the project is $7.2bn (SR27bn).
It is also reported that airport terminal is linked with parking areas, Haramain station, metro station, taxi and bus stations.
Mr. Mandoura further said that the active participation of Makkah Emirate, Ministry of Transport and Jeddah Governorate has led to the completion of works on time.