JD-U’s new Executive Committee announced, K.C. Tyagi not in list

Patna: After a long time, Janata Dal United (JD-U) on Tuesday announced a new national Executive Committee and senior leader Mangni Lal Mandal has been given the post of national Vice President of the party.

Interestingly, senior leader and party’s national General Secretary K.C. Tyagi has not been given any space in the fresh committee. A native of UP and a former MP, he was associated with Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for the last 3 decades and also putting the perspective of the party on national media.

The party has also changed its Delhi state President too with Sailesh Kumar now being given the responsibility.

General Secretary Afaq Ahmed Khan issued the new list of the party’s Executive Committee in which Ram Nath Thakur, Ali Ashraf Fatami, Sanjay Jha, Girdhari Yadav, Santosh Kumar Kushwaha, Ram Sewak Singh, Chandeshwar Prasad Chandravansi, Dasai Chaudhary, Gulam Rasool Balyawi, R.P. Mandal, Vijay Kumar Manjhi, Bhagwan Singh Kushwaha, Kahkasha Parveen, and Raj Kumar Sharma have given the post of General Secretary.

Former MLA Ranji Ranjan has been given the new responsibility of General Secretary and national spokesperson.

Former MP Dhananjay Singh has also been given the post of General Secretary apart from Qamar Alam, Harish Chandra Patil, Asfaq Ahmed, Engineer Sunil, Harshwardhan, and Raj Singh Maan.

The party has also named 7 national Secretaries including Ravindra Prasad Singh, Rajiv Ranjan Prasad, Sanjay Verma, Anup Patel, Dayanand Rai, and Sanjay Kumar. MP Alok Kumar Suman has been given the post of party Treasurer.