Chennai: AIADMK supremo and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa became richer by Rs 62 crore in the past five years. The average asset increases from worth Rs 51 crore in 2011 is now worth Rs 113 crore in 2016.
She has movable assets, total value of which is Rs 41.63 crore and immovable properties valued at Rs 72.09 crore and the total value is Rs 113.73 crore, according to the affidavit filed by her to contest from Radhakrishnan Nagar Assembly constituency.
She has Rs 41,000 cash in hand, listed Rs 2.04 crore as liabilities and declared agriculture in the profession-occupation column, it said.
In 2011 assembly election, while contesting from Srirangam constituency, she had declared assets of Rs 51.40 crore. In 2006 polls, the value was Rs 24.7 crore. Now in 2016 it increases to 113 crore.
Jayalalithaa’s residence in upscale Poes Garden ‘Veda Nilayam’ spread over 24,000 square feet with a built up area of 21,662 square feet is valued at Rs 43.96 crore.
Jayalalithaa has two Toyoto Prado SUVs, together valued at Rs 40 lakh. Also, she has a Tempo Traveller, a Tempo Trax, a Mahindra Jeep, an Ambassador car of 1980 make, a Mahindra Bolero, a Swaraj Mazada Maxi, and a Contessa (1990 model) and the vehicles are together worth Rs 42,25,000.
On her gold jewellery, the Tamil Nadu CM said the value of 21,280.300 grams could not be ascertained as it was with the Karnataka government treasury in connection with the disproportionate assets case. She has also mentioned that the assets case was pending in the Supreme Court.
The average assets of these 89 re-contesting MLAs fielded by various parties in 2011 were Rs 4.35 crores (Rs. 4, 35, 93, 796). Average Assets in 2016 Elections:
The average assets of these 89 re-contesting MLAs in 2016 is Rs 8.63 crores (Rs. 8, 63, 46,466). Average Asset change from 2011 to 2016: The average assets of these 89 re- contesting MLAs, between the Tamil Nadu Elections of 2011 and 2016 increased by Rs. 4.27 crores (Rs. 4, 27,52,669).
Percentage change in assets from 2011 to 2016 Average percentage increase in assets for these 89 re-contesting MLAs is 98%.