New Delhi: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Wednesday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi requesting him to expedite the announcement of location of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in the state and to ensure that the construction and establishment of the institute is initiated without any further delay.
“You would recall that soon after an announcement was made in the Union Budget 2014-15 that new All India Institutes of Medical Sciences would be set up in different places in the country, I had written to you on 18.7.2014, appreciating the initiative and requesting that one such Institute should be established in Tamil Nadu. I had also indicated that the State Government has already identified the required extent of land at Sengipatti in Thanjavur District, Chengalpattu in Kancheepuram District, Pudukottai Town in Pudukottai District, Perundurai in Erode District and Thoppur in Madurai District,” the letter said.
Adding that a Central team had visited Tamil Nadu in April last year and inspected all the five identified locations, the Chief Minister said that so far the final decision of where the AIIMS in the state would be set up is yet to be communicated.
“This prestigious project will provide state of the art medical facilities and services to the people of Tamil Nadu,” the letter stated.
The state government had proposed five locations for the AIIMS project and submitted a feasibility report for each of them. These locations are: Pudukottai town in Pudukottai district, Thoppur in Madurai district, Perundurai in Erode district, Sengipatti in Thanjavur, and Chengalpattu in Kancheepuram district. (ANI)