Hyderabad: Jaspal Bhatti’s old video on horse trading has resurfaced on social media. In the satirical video, Bhatti plays as an agent who deals in horse trading (buying and selling of MLAs). The office displays a signboard “sale purchase of MLAs”.
The Indian comedian was very popular in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Bhatti’s old video resurfaced on social media in the light of the recent round of alleged horse trading in Indian politics.
TPCC president N Uttam Kumar Reddy along with the MPs Komati Reddy Venkat Reddy, A Revanth Reddy and party senior leader Mohammed Ali Shabbir, on Monday, wrote to Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora urging him to take action against the ruling TRS party public representatives to safeguard democracy.
Reddy alleged that the TRS party had been purchasing the MPTCs, ZPTCs, Municipal Councillors and Corporators violating the Election Code of Conduct to gain upper hand in the upcoming MLC elections.