Delhi: Every year contemporary poets from around the world present their poetry on the platform of Jashn-e-Baharan. This year Jashn-e-Baharan is going to celebrate its 20th Jashn today, i.e. on April 13, 2018. Pandit Birju Maharaj will preside over the mushaira.
Poets from Japan, US, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, besides national poets will enthrall audience by their poetry. The foreign poets include Dr. Abdullah Abdullah (US), Farhat Shahzad (Canada), Dr Taqi Abidi (Japan), Prof Swema (Saudi Arabia), Omer Salam Al-Eidroos (Bangladesh). Indian poets include Prof. Waseem Barelvi, Mansoor Osmani, Popular Meerathi, Shabina Adeeb, Lakshmi Shankar Vajpayee, Manzar Bhopali, Gauhar Raza, Deepti Misra, Iqbal Ashhar, Prof Menu Bakshi, Rehana Nawab, Dr Liyaqat Jaffery and Husain Hyderi.