Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia): An annual exhibition and conference for promoting green technology and eco-products, or IGEM, the International Green tech and Eco Products Exhibition and Conference Malaysia was recently held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.
It is one of the biggest exhibitions in the field of the environment and energy efficiency in South East Asia.
The event aims to help pursuit the rapid adoption of green technology.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government hosted the Tokyo Pavilion booth at the exhibition.
Tokyo Metropolitan Government is continuously working to support exhibitors including small and medium enterprises in Tokyo, which are motivated to expand into the Asian market.
Rie Imazeki of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government said, “We are currently promoting “The Platform for Technology and Industry” project, which aims for contribution of the resolving urban environmental issues and promotion of energy saving. This project consists of three pillars, which includes study, R&D, and market deployment. This participation to IGEM 2015 is a part of our project in market deployment of the products and technologies of Tokyo.”
For the second consecutive year Tokyo has earned interest from the Malaysian administration and industries.
“Tokyo’s advanced technology is well known here, especially for the current project of the international cooperation program with Tokyo Bureau of Sewerage in the development of Sewerage systems in Malaysia,” Imazeki added.
Hajime Horiguchi of the TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. said, “In order to improve the high leakage rate in water supply in Malaysia, we are providing training program since three years ago. We developed a training ground in Penang to support training for the experts in Malaysia waterworks, for water leakage prevention.”
Hiroshi Kunimasa of the Tokyo Metropolitan University said, ” The Tokyo Metropolitan University is working daily on further research and development and aiming to solve the urban issues. Today, we are intoroducing five achievements of our research and development at this showcase.”
Imazeki said, “We think Tokyo can contribute to Malaysia and other Asia regions by introducing our know-how to help resolve urban issues, as well as developing partnership and exchange between cities.”
Japan has a large old-age population. Many of them suffer from dementia who often experience difficulties in communicating.
They are assisted by the latest Robot technology.
Kana Maehara, an occupational therapist at the National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities, said, “This robot is named “Papero”. It helps in daily life by indicating schedule for patient or makes direction to do. When his ear is shining, he reacts. If you urge him, he speaks continuously.”
(Robot)”I am fine and healthy today.”
Maehara further said, “This robot is designed for senior person. It speaks slow and in low-pitched. The male voice is most appropriate for it.
(Robot)”Today it will be hot. Please have drink tea.”
The robot can recognise the person by face recognition technology and call him by name. Also he can move avoiding obstacle depending on sensor technology.
The lack of doctor is big problem in Japan and the Robot helps to guide the patient.
Yuki Furusawa, an official of the Development Division, Marketing and Sales Division, said, “This is developed as a holder of endoscope. Setting sensor on the head by the action of head operator can control up and down, left and right. Also zoom in and out by foot pedal.”
In countries like India, where the number of old-age population is growing significantly, these robots can help them assist for daily work. (ANI)