Hyderabad: Former Minister and veteran Congress leader K. Jana Reddy, who lost the by-elections elections from his Nagarjuna Sagar assembly constituency, today announced that he would not the elections again in life. He also announced that he would take a break from politics for some time .
Speaking to Media persons after the conclusion of counting of votes, he said that he would honor the verdict of the people of the constituency. He said that he had contested in the elections to stand by the party president Sonia Gandhi, party leaders and workers. He said that he would return to politics whenever there was a need to do so. He claimed that while some voters had voted to the ruling party out of fears some voted as they thought they would get some benefits from the state government. He reiterated that the congress party high command had formed Telangana on his suggestion.
He said that he had followed all orders of the party and added that he had contested the Sagar by-elections due to the orders of the party high command while noting that he was reluctant to contest the elections.