New Delhi: Upender Singh, Station House Officer (SHO) Jamia Nagar has sent a written notice to the registrar, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) to vacate the area near gate number 7 where the students are staging a protest.
It is mentioned in the notice that, “In view of the Delhi elections on Saturday and to avoid any untoward situation, you are requested to remove the protestors from the road.”
The letter also stated that some roads are blocked from Holy Family hospital to Jamia Millia metro station as the students are sitting there in protest against CAA and NRC.
JMI administration requested the students not to take part in agitation on public roads.
The joint coordination committee has agreed that they will cooperate fully with the authorities in free and fair conduct of elections. They will vacate the blocked area on 7 and 8 February. However, they will be back at gate number 7 on February 9.