Jamia Milia Islamia: Prof sent on leave over harassment charge

NEW DELHI: The administration of Jamia Milia Islamia sent Prof. Hafeez Ahmad, Head of Department (HoD), Applied Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts following sexual harassment charges leveled against him by students.

“The university administration has sent Professor Hafeez Ahmad, HoD, Applied Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts on leave,” said Ahmed Azeem, the university spokesperson.

Nuzhat Kazmi, the Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts Professor will be the officiating HoD, Department of Applied Arts.

Three male students were also suspended with immediate effect for allegedly physically assaulting two female students, who were later hospitalised on Thursday night.

[also_read url=”https://archive.siasat.com/news/jamia-students-protesting-against-hod-harassment-roughed-1465145/”]Jamia students protesting against HoD of harassment roughed up[/also_read]

“University Administration has already assured protesting students that all their demands will be looked into. Selection committee of guest teachers will be held to meet the shortage of teachers in the Dept of Applied Arts. Classes in the Depart of Applied Arts and other departments of Faculty of Fine Arts are running as usual,” the varsity said in a statement, as per The New Indian Express reports.

“The protesting students are being misled by other factions who are not stake holders and backed by certain vested elements who want to destabilise the peaceful academic environment of the university.”

The female students of the Faculty of Fine Arts have been protesting against Professor the 50-year-old faculty member since February 1, accusing Ahmad of making lewd comments intimidating students and sending unsolicited text messages.