Jaljeera magic!

Most often in the summer, we tend to mistake thirst for hunger and then wonder why we still do not feel satisfied.

At times like this, just grab a glass of water or a healthy drink and you will realise you did not need to eat. Your body was dehydrated and all you needed was to hydrate it again.

If having just water is not interesting enough, you could try the most common Indian summer drink — jaljeera. It’s a healthy alternative to harmful aerated drinks.

Health benefits of its ingredients:

Rock salt: It cools the body, is anti-acidic, anti-bilious, anti-phlegmatic, carminative and digestive. It also contains essential minerals necessary for body functions.

Cumin: Aids digestion, is good for respiratory disorders, relieves insomnia, helps in treating anemia and keeps immunity levels high.

Lemon: it is a high source of vitamin C, hence boosts immunity and improves skin texture. It is an excellent appetiser as well as a digestive aid. It is a de-toxifying agent, helps removes toxins from the body.

Ginger: It is a relaxant and has properties that warm the entire body making it useful during fevers, aches and colds. Ginger is a powerful anti-oxidant and is excellent for digestion, helps to relieve nausea and motion sickness.

Coriander: Is a powerful diuretic, making it perfect for the summer. It boosts immunity, fights aging and is a rich source of fiber, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Excellent for diabetics.

Water: Improves skin, is a blood purifier, removes toxins, keeps body hydrated, reduces chances of getting a cold and flu and prevents constipation.

Make jaljeera at home:

Cumin powder — 2 tsp
Rock salt — 1 tsp
Juice — 1lemon
Ginger — a pinch (optional)
Chopped coriander
Chilled water

Blend all the ingredients together. Garnish with chopped coriander and some raw mango to give an amazing flavour.