Information and Broadcasting Minister Arun Jaitley on Wednesday launched the Headend In The Sky (HITS) digital platform initiative, under the brand name NXT DIGITAL promoted by Hinduja Group.
An official release said the launch will provide consumers with wider choice in view of the multiple carriage technologies.
Jaitley launched the platform by pressing a button which would provide viewers access to over 500 television channels of their choice – international, national, regional and local besides a host of other services like “e-applications and TV everywhere”.
The release said that customers in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra, Punjab and Karnataka will now have greater access to channels of their choice with other states soon joining in.
“The platform is expected to give a fillip to the Digital India initiative and Make In India mission,” the release said.
It said the back-end technology systems are based on sophisticated and complex architectures that can even deliver unique services like television access on mobile devices and tablets as well as information dissemination services to laser-targeted localities by various agencies for emergency alerts.