New Delhi: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Sunday congratulated External Affairs Minister (EAM) Sushma Swaraj for ‘very effectively showing Pakistan it’s double face on terrorism’ and other issues.
Jaitley took to micro-blogging site Twitter, to express his appreciation for Swaraj’s speech at United Nations General Assembly.
“EAM Smt. @SushmaSwaraj ji in her United Nation General Assembly address emphatically dislodged Pakistan’s hypocritical role in curbing terrorism in the region. Congratulations to her on very effectively showing Pakistan it’s double face on terrorism and dialogue, and emphasizing India’s stand.” he tweeted.
EAM Sushma Swaraj on Saturday used the United Nations platform to highlight the serious issue of Pakistan-sponsored cross-border terrorism and human rights violations by killing security personnel in India.
Swaraj’s speech and Jaitley’s tweet comes days after back to back incidents of increased violence in the state and killing of security personnel had put off India from engaging with Pakistan government, with the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) saying that behind Pakistan’s proposal for talks to make a fresh beginning, its evil agenda stands exposed and the true face of the new Pakistan Prime Minister has been revealed.