Hyderabad: The Sangareddy police on Thursday arrested local MLA from Congress party T Jagga Reddy, his wife, and DCC president Nirmala Jagga Reddy and his daughter Jaya Reddy. The arrests were made when Jagga Reddy sat for a dharna program demanding the state government to withdraw its decision to remove the PG Center from the district, along with scores of the students of the college.
Enraged at his arrest, Jagga Reddy also tried to take out a huge rally to lay siege to the district collectorate along with students protesting his arrest. Speaking on the occasion, he said that the future of 500 students of the PG College would be put to jeopardy if the Center was removed from the district headquarters. He said that around 2000 students of the district passed out from the Center so far. He said that he brought the PG Center to the district during the Congress rule in the year 2012. He warned the state government of facing dire consequences if it didn’t withdraw its decision to remove the Center.