YSR Congress Party president and Leader of the Opposition in Andhra Pradesh Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy on Monday launched his Praja Sankalpa Yatra aimed at interacting with over two crore people on his way from Idupulapaya to Icchapuram covering 125 constituencies across 13 districts in Andhra Pradesh along a 3,200-km route during the next six months.
Jagan began his ‘Praja Sankalpa Yatra’ from Idupulapaya after paying homage at Dr. YS Rajashekar Reddy’s memorial at YSR Ghat. YSRCP’s honorary president Vijayamma, Jagan’s sister Sharmila, his wife Bharati Reddy and all his family members were present on the occasion.
Later, he addressed a huge gathering of people at Idupalapaya. “I wholeheartedly bow down to all of you in humility,” YS Jagan said amid thunderous applause. He said that Dr YS Rajashekar Reddy was alive in the hearts of the masses. He slammed Chandrababu for adopting the wrongful means adopted to obstruct his political ambitions. “I must be half of Chandrababu’s age like his own son. But it hurts me to know that his only aim is to lay obstacles in my political path,” said YS Jagan, adding that despite the fact that his father had left his body as long as 8 years ago, the people had stood by him like a rock and showered upon him their unconditional love for which he felt indebted. (INN)