Mumbai: Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez has been given the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India’s Digital Activism Award in the lead-up to National Technology Day, which falls on May 11.
Her online actions for animals include using social media to ask her fans to support the #FreeGajraj campaign, an effort that helped free an elephant used by a temple. The elephant had been kept in chains for over 50 years.
“Animals in need have a strong ally in Jacqueline Fernandez. PETA India is thrilled to recognise her use of social media for powerful animal rights activism and looks forward to standing beside her as she continues to blaze a better trail for animals,” Sachin Bangera, Associate Director of Celebrity and Public Relations of PETA India, said in a statement.
Jacqueline’s work for the group includes writing a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of Mumbai asking him to bring relief to the horses used for joyrides in the city. She appeared in a print campaign urging the public to avoid horse-drawn carriages and even met the Mayor of Mumbai to discuss the suffering of these horses.
She also teamed up with the organisation and Lakme Fashion Week to promote the adoption of dogs who are languishing in animal shelters or living on the streets.
The “Judwaa 2” actress was previously named PETA India’s 2014 Woman of the Year.