Telangana Political JAC and Left Parties have urged Home Minister Nayini Narsimha Reddy to initiate action against those responsible for the Nerella incident in which the police thrashed people for obstructing the illegal activities of the sand mafia.
On Friday, representatives from Left Parties and JAC met the Home Minister under the leadership of Kodandaram at the residence of Home Minister in Ministers Quarters. The Kodandaram team explained the problems facing by the Nerella victims and said that the police chided daliths with their caste name. The police harassed the youth indiscriminately for obstructing illegal sand transport.
The representatives from CPI TJAC and Telangana Praja Front submitted a memorandum on the Home Minister on the occasion. The representatives have said that the Nerella victims didn’t get justice even though they lodged complaint with President of India, Governor and DGP and action not initiated against SP. They demanded the state government to extend financial support besides giving government job to the Nerella victims. Kodandaram said that the Home Minister responded positively on the issue and assured that the latter will bring the issue to the notice of Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao. (NSS)