Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir): Jammu and Kashmir Governor NN Vohra on Saturday allocated the state departments to two advisors – B.B. Vyas and K. Vijay Kumar.
“In pursuance of Section-2 of the Jammu and Kashmir Delegation of Powers Act, 2018 (Governor’s Act No. 1 of 2018), the Governor is pleased to direct that the powers exercisable by a Minister shall be exercised by the Advisors to the Governor in respect of the Departments allocated to them,” a press release read.
“It said the powers already delegated to the Administrative Secretaries as notified vide Notification SRO-281 dated: 23-06-2018 shall continue to be exercised by them. However, the Advisors shall identify the items of work and matters, other than those delegated vide SRO-281, which shall be put to them for decision, approval or information and notify the same through issue of Standing Order(s), copies of which shall be sent to the Governor,” it added.
As per a notification issued by the government, Advisor Vyas was given the Planning and Development; Finance; Law; General Administration Department (GAD); Housing and Urban Development; Administrative Reforms, Inspections (ARI) and Trainings; Rural Development; Ladakh Affairs; Estates; Civil Aviation; Public Works Department (PWD); Power Development Department (PDD); Public Health Engineering (PHE); Irrigation and Flood Control (IFC); Agriculture; Horticulture; Floriculture; Industries and Commerce; Animal and Sheep Husbandry and Cooperatives Departments.
While, the departments of Home; Youth; Services and Sports; Revenue; Disaster Management; Relief Rehabilitation and Reconstruction; Tribal Affairs; Forests; Hospitality and Protocol; Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs; Information; Labour and Employment; School Education; Higher Education; Technical Education; Health and Medical Education; Science and Technology; Tourism; Culture; Information Technology and Social Welfare were allocated to another Advisor Kumar. (ANI)