New Delhi: Even after the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) accepted its defeat in Maharashtra as Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis quit his post a day before the crucial floor test in the Assembly, Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Modi tweeted, “this is not the end. Wait for some months”.
His remarks came soon after the four-day-old BJP government supported by Ajit Pawar, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) supremo Sharad pawar’s nephew, resigned in Maharashtra.
After the Grand Alliance, comprising the Lalu Prasad-led Rashtriya Janata Dal, Nitish Kumar-led Janata Dal-United and the Congress, won the 2015 Assembly polls in Bihar, he had predicted that it won’t last long as the three parties differed on several issues.
In 2017, the JD-U pulled out of the alliance and joined hands with the BJP in the state and formed the government.