Hyderabad: October 7(Wednesday), heritage experts claim, is the foundation day of the Hyderabad City. In a panel discussion held by the Hyderabad Trails commemorating Hyderabad’s 429th foundation year, they highlighted a need for having an official date.
Historian Sajjad Shahid said: “Initial celebrations of the city’s foundation were held in 1958 in a three-day event, of which there is a comprehensive record. But the celebrations fizzled out year after year.” Shahid said a convenient date can be fixed, which can be celebrated every year.
Pitching for October 7 to be considered as foundation day, the founder of Hyderabad Trials Gopala Krishna said, “Most people are unaware that this was the day when the city was born. In 1591, when the moon was in the constellation of Leo, Jupiter in its own abode, and all celestial planets favorably placed, Mohammed Quli Qutb Shah laid the foundation of the city. So, that makes today the 429th birthday of our dear city.”
Speaking about the need for commemoration of this event by fixing a date, he said: “These events are reminders that we are a continuation of the past, and that we have evolved collectively as a people from the journey traversed together across centuries. And this collective evolution as a city, defines who we are, underlining the values that have become a part of our living heritage.”
Conservation architect, Vasantha Shoba said: “Earlier, without social media, it was very difficult to commemorate the occasion, but now, creating awareness is easier.”