It’s challenge for Varanasi to defeat the communal forces: Anand Sharma

Congress today appealed to the electorate of Varanasi to defeat BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi in the Lok Sabha elections from here.

Union Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma said the whole country was curiously looking at the results of this ancient city known for its “culture, religion and its Ganga-Jamni tehjeeb (Ganges-Yamuna cultural ethos).”

“Its an election of Congress candidate Ajay Rai, our Congress party as well as the this religious city Kashi,” Sharma said while addressing an election meeting at Cutting Memorial ground in Nadesar here.

He termed Modi as “supercilious” and appealed to the people to defeat him.

“It’s challenge for the people here to defeat the communal forces in the elections,” he added.

Congress leader and actor Raj Babbar was also present on the occasion.