Mumbai, October 01: Even as the Ranbir Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra flick ‘Anjaana Anjaani’ unveils in cinemas on October 1, 2010, Ranby Boy’s ex flame Deepika Padukone, unwittingly opened up a new Pandora’s box of controversy for the yuppie actor.
DP went on record groaning that she’s split from a former boyfriend, coz’ she’d found “her man” straying twice and what’s worse, caught him “red handed!” All accusing fingers, instantly pointed to Ranby…who turned beet root red… and sensing trouble, swiftly swerved into damage control mode with the media.
“It wasn’t me,” screamed newspaper headlines, quoting RK. “I read the interview too and Deepika hasn’t mentioned any names. So how can the media simply assume that it was me?”
In a recent chatathon with the media, mommy Neetu remarked that her scion looked superb when paired up with Katrina Kaif and Priyanka Chopra.
“That’s nice, but I’d like to believe that I look good with other actresses too,” retorts RK. “I’d like people to believe that I’m in love with all the heroines that I work with, on screen.”
Point noted, Mr. Screen Romeo.