New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath after four days of the incident broke his silence on the death of police inspector Subodh Kumar Singh during the mob violence in Bulandshahr. He called it an accident.
Speaking at the Jagran Forum in Delhi, he said, “There is no mob lynching in UP. The Bulandshahr incident was an accident, and the law is taking its course. No culprit will be spared. Illegal slaughtering, and not just cow slaughter, is banned in the entire state and the DM and SP will be answerable.”
A police inspector and a 20-year-old man were killed on Monday, when a mob of some 400 people attacked police in Siyana area of Bulandshahr district, apparently after right-wing activists were angered by the discovery of cow carcasses strewn in a nearby jungle.
The inspector was shot in the head on Monday. The mob, which according to the police FIR was formed of men from right-wing Hindu outfits, had also blocked cops from taking him for treatment and he had died before he could reach the hospital.
In connection with this case, five more persons were arrested in which death of the Inspector and another local resident at the hands of the mob took place on Monday.