Reacting to former Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Vinod Kumar Binny’s comments on Delhi Chief Minister Kejriwal and his party, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Dr. Harshvardhan on Monday said that the issues Binny had raised before the party were serious, and that it needed an introspection.
“The issues that Binny has discussed and made public, and the questions he has raised before his party are serious,” said Harshvardhan.
“The expulsion of binny from his party though is their party’s internal matter,” he said.
Commenting on the recent Madhu Vihar rape case he said that Kejriwal needed to introspect, and answer the questions to these sensitive issues seriously.
“I think he should introspect and answer these sensitive questions seriously,” he said.
“I also want to know that the way AAP workers and Kejriwal head strongly protested to save their minister Somnath Bharti, why are they not taking similar steps for these rape cases?” he asked.
Binny was expelled from the AAP for making false statements against the party yesterday, and has threatened a dharna against Arvind Kejriwal.
He said that the party had not fulfilled even one of the promises made to the people, and that they wanted the government to fall so that they are able to run away from their responsibilities. (ANI)