Israelis occupying Arab homes in al-Quds

Jerusalem, November 27: The new Israeli settlers are reportedly occupying Arab communities at East al-Quds (Jerusalem) by buying homes in older districts of the occupied city.

Aided by Israeli police, the right-wing Jewish settlers evacuate Palestinian families from their home in East al-Quds.

The Israelis are trying to change demographic structure of the city by tricking Palestinians to sell their homes to them.

Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz said recently in a report that a hard-line Israeli organization, the Elad organization, is using an Australian company to buy Palestinian properties.

The Elad organization engages itself in efforts to put Palestinian property to the name of the Jewish settlers.

For example, Israel police forces on Tuesday evacuated a Palestinian family from their home in the East al-Quds neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber, after the Elad claimed to have purchased the building.

The report added that Arab residents of the city almost do not sell their homes to Israelis and consider the act as a “shameful move.”

Some hard-line Jews who immigrated to Israel in recent years are making efforts to purchase the buildings in the city “in line with implementation of the religious obligation of Israelis to occupy the Promised Land.”

The organization encourages Jews to move into dense neighborhoods in East al-Quds in line with Israel’s policy of Judiazation of the city, which came under Tel Aviv’s occupation in 1967.

The residents said the Palestinian owner had left the house to them in his will. Lowell Investments Ltd, a company known to be acting on behalf of Elad, however, said it had bought the property from the landlord, who recently died.

Elad has also invested financed archaeological excavations in the crowded Arab neighborhood of Silwan in East al-Quds.

Tel Aviv has planned to raze 22 Arab-residing homes in the neighborhood to build a so-called archeological park. Angry locals protesting the project have been faced with stiff police action.
