London: After several religious hate crimes over Islamophobia reported from across the globe mainly Europe and America, the Muslim minority Britons are now facing the “shocking” discrimination in the labor market as well.
Muslims in Europe are now facing this shocking evil injustice and discrimination, revealed UK research today.
According to a study by the Centre for Social Investigation at Nuffield College, the University of Oxford, Britons who have come from the Middle East and North Africa are mandated to submit 90 percent more applications than any other average white British citizen, MEM reports.
Similarly, those originating from South Asia, particularly Pakistan are required to submit 70 percent more applications while the black Britons the ones originating from Nigeria are mandated to submit 80 percent more.
Co-author of the study and emeritus fellow of Nuffield College, Professor Anthony Heath, said of the findings:
The absence of any real decline in discrimination against black British and people of Pakistani background is a disturbing finding, which calls into question the effectiveness of previous policies. Ethnic inequality remains a burning injustice and there needs to be a radical rethink about how to tackle it.
As many as 3,200 applications both manual and non-manual jobs which included software engineers, marketing, chefs, shop assistants were sent as part of the study, on a popular recruitment platform between November 2016 and December 2017.
The study found that citizens who have originated from western Europe and the US were treated well while those of ethnic minorities were ignored.
The researchers added that the high levels of discrimination towards those from countries with a sizeable Muslim population echoed “strong anti-Muslim attitudes recorded in recent surveys”.
“The persistent gaps in call-backs found for more visible and culturally distant minorities, regardless of the occupation considered or the information included in the application, suggest that employers may simply read no further as soon as they see a Middle East-sounding or African-sounding name,” Dr Valentina Di Stasio, co-author and an assistant professor at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, said.
According to statistics until October, released by the Home Office, reveals that religious hate crimes have shot-up by 40 percent in a year across England and Wales, with over half of all attacks targeting Muslims.