Hyderabad: In the backdrop of recent Supreme Court verdict regarding triple talaq, a meeting of Muslim intellectual ladies was held at Jamiatul Mominat, Moghalpura. Addressing on the occasion Mufti Mohammed Hasanuddin said no law of the world can intervene into Shariah laws. However he said Islam has strongly condemned triple talaq at one go and people who are ignorant of the religious teachings use this without hesitation. Instead of giving punishment to such people, Supreme Court has directed the government of India to frame a law within 6 months, which is worrisome.
Government of India should seek proposals and suggestions from religious scholars and Muslim Personal Law before enacting a law.
Mufti Kazim Naqshbandi, Hafez Saber Pasha, Farooq Ali Khan advocate and others were present on the occasion. Ladies who attended the meeting included Prof. Ashraf Rafi, Tayyaba Tasneem, Dr. Muftia Rizwana Zareen, Dr. Fatima Aziz, Tahmina Anees, Jameela Begum, Sheerin Abbas, Moina Begum others.
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