Mumbai: Actor Irrfan Khan will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal at his office on Tuesday. The 49-year-old “Piku” star, who plays a common man in his upcoming film “Madaari”, requested Kejriwal to meet him as he has some questions for the CM.
“Desh ka ek aam nagrik hoon. Aap se kuch sawaal pochnay the. Can I meet you @ArvindKejriwal?,” Irrfan posted on Twitter.
To which Kejriwal replied, “Tuesday 11 am, my office.” After getting confirmation for the appointment, Irrfan posted, “Thanks again, will see you on Tuesday @ArvindKejriwal.”
The reason for meeting is still unknown. The actor tweeted similar post to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi’s official Twitter accounts. Irrfan’s “Madaari” is slated to release on July 22.