Tehran: Electronic visas have replaced paper visas at Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport (IKA) as of early February, media reports said on Saturday.
The smart system eases the process of visa issuance considerably and reduces the amount of time travellers need to spend before entering the country, Xinhua reported.
“Travelers from 180 countries can now apply for an e-visa if they plan to travel through IKA,” Hossein Panahi-Azar, deputy for Iranians and parliamentary affairs at the Foreign Ministry said.
Impossibility of counterfeiting a visa is among the advantages of the new system, Panahi-Azar said, adding that “travelers’ visas can be verified easily through the passport number.”
Based on statistics, some 1,200 visas are issued at IKA every day and with the launch of the electronic system, the number is expected to rise by four times, Panahi-Azar said.