Iran bans women from appearing in ads, here’s why

Tehran: In an attempt to uphold the Hijab and chastity laws in the country, Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance has barred women from appearing in ads.

According to Radio Free Europe, the government of Iran has sent a letter to all advertising companies that states women are no longer permitted to star in any type of advertisement or commercial. Local legislation also established prohibiting the “instrumental use” of women, men, and children.

This move from the Government of Iran comes a few days after an advertisement had sparked controversy across the country. In the ad, a woman could be seen sporting an ‘improper’ Hijab and biting into a Magnum ice cream.

The advertisement had left Iranian clerics outraged who demanded that the ice cream manufacturer Domino, be sued. Officials had retaliated by declaring that the advertisement was “against public decency” and an “insult” to “women’s morals.”

Check out the Iranian ad here:

According to the letter addressed to advertising firms by Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, the ban is per Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution rulings.

For the uninitiated, since the Islamic revolution of 1979, the Hijab has been mandatory in Iran. However, recently, new social media campaigns against Hijab enforcement have been on the rise in the country. Women in Iran have risked arrest and punishment by removing their headscarves in public to protest imposed clothing regulations, in recent years.