Telangana Chief Secretary Shailandra Kumar Joshi has instructed the officials to involve the residents of the Charminar area and also to coordinate with them duly taking suggestions for overall development of the Charminar area under Pedestrianisation Project.
The Chief Secretary, along with Municipal Administration & urban Development Department Principal Secretary Arvind Kumar, GHMC Incharge Commissioner Bharathi Holikeri and other officials, inspected the works pertaining to CPP Project in the early hours of Saturday.
The officials inspected various areas like Pathergatti, Charkaman, Chudi Bazar, Murgi Chowk, Makka Masjid, Mojamzahi market and also visited the construction of hawkers zone near Musi River. While interacting with the officials, the Chief Secretary said that thousands of tourists from various parts of the country and world visits Charminar and therefore, the CPP works should be completed within the stipulated time. The works should be done with good quality materials to make the project one of its kind in the country, he said.
Some of the constructions in between Charminar to Makka Masjid have to be shifted to some other suitable places duly taking suggestions from the residents. This project is being taken up at a cost of Rs. 35 crores and as per the directions of Municipal Administration Minister K.T. Rama Rao, the works are going in a very phased manner to complete the project in time. The shops near Laad Bazar should maintain properly in a systematic manner to have a clear view for which he has directed the officials to make a note of this, the Chief Secretary said.
Arvind Kumar has briefed about various works which are being taken up under CPP and stated that Swachh Iconic project, NTPC is funding Rs. 9 crores for Swachh programmes.
CPP Project Special Officer Musharaf Ali, Zonal Commissioner (South) Srinivas Reddy and other senior officials participated in the inspection. (INN)