Hyderabad: District TB Control Centre, DH FWS-RNTCP-Ranga Reddy district announced that the interview date intimation and revised merit list of candidates applied for the post of Medical Officer-Medial College, STS, STLS, LT, TBHV under DH & FWS (RNTCP), Ranga Reddy district will be uploaded in official website www.rangareddy.telangana.gove.in on June 7.
The eligible candidates are informed that the interview will be conducted for the posts on June 11 at 10 am along with verification of original certificates at District Medical & Helath Officer, Ranga Reddy at Shivrampally under Rajendranagar mandal of Ranga Reddy District. The merit list of eligible candidates attending interview will be displayed in official website. Candidates, who attend after interview date and time, will not be considered for selection.