Hyderabad: Education Minister P Sabitha Indra Reddy said that measures are being taken to announce intermediate results of I and II years in the third and second weeks of June respectively.
Intermediate results: Answer scripts evaluation to start on May 12
She said that the evaluation of answer scripts will be done between 12th and 30th May. Govt. decided to increase spot evaluation camps from 12 to 33, she added.
At evaluation camps, arrangements are made following physical distancing norms.
Meanwhile, intermediate second-year geography and modern language examination which was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be held on May 18.
SSC exams
Giving the details of the SSC examination, the Minister said that the schedule will be announced after getting permission from the High Court.
It may be mentioned that earlier, on the direction of High Court, State Govt. had stopped conducting SSC exams from March 23. Only three papers of the exams were held.
The Minister has said that the government decided to increase the number of centers for the examination in order to adhere to the physical distancing norm.
She said that all other precautionary arrangements such as masks, sanitizers, the thermal screening will be arranged at the center.