Mohtarma Mallika Sultana w/o Janab Mohd. Rafique, retired Dy. Superintendent of Police, died on January 4.
Namaz-e-Janaza was performed at Mohammediya Masjid, Borabanda followed by burial at the adjacent qabrastan.
Further information can be had on 8099499124 & 8978678889.
Hakim Mohd. Ibrahim Ali s/o Hakim Mohd. Osman Ali, retired office superintendent, Govt. Nizamia General Hospital, died.
Namaz-e-Janaza was performed at Masjid Abul Hasnaat, Jahanuma after namaz-e-Isha followed by burial at the qabrastan Moghal Faqir, Shamshergunj.
Further information can be had on 9393000680.