Inteqal (1.1.2014)

Dr. S A Qadeer, former professor of Optholmogy, Deccan College of Medical Science former superintendent Owaisi Hospital and Research Centre, died.

Namaz-e-Janaza will be performed on January 1 at Masjid Alamgir, Shanthinagar, Masab Tank after namaz-e-zohar followed by burial in adjacent Qabrastan.

Further information can be had on 23310990 & 9849179932.


Janab Sheikh Abdullah Bin Saeed Al-Umoodi well known as Abdullah Siddiqui s/o late Saeed Al-Umoodi died. He was 77.

Namaz-e-Janaza was offered by his son Abdul Aziz Umoodi at Masjid Azizia, Mehdipatnam after namaz-e-Asar whereas the burial took place at Bada Qabrastan Barkas.

Further information can be had on 9440194553.
