New Delhi: Intel recently announced the appointment of Nivruti Rai as ‘Intel India Site General Manager.’ Rai will succeed Kumud Srinivasan who is relocating to the US after the completion of her assignment in India.
Nivruti Rai has been with Intel for over 20 years and has held several technical and business management positions across different functions both in the US and India. Based in Bengaluru,. Rai is Vice President and Director of R&D, in Platform Engineering Group (PEG), Intel Corporation.
“Intel India has been witnessing remarkable growth over the last few years. Today, it is a key design site for Intel with state-of-the-art facilities in Bengaluru and Pune involving advanced engineering capabilities across the computing spectrum from servers to IoT and wearable’s,” said Nivruti Rai.
“India also presents us with opportunity to innovate and design relevant products and solutions to grow technology adoption in the country. Having worked here at Intel India over the last ten years, I am excited about the opportunities for Intel to lead and redefine the boundaries of technology to make new amazing experiences possible,” added Rai.
Nivruti Rai will partner closely with Debjani Ghosh, Vice President Sales and Marketing Group, Managing Director, South Asia to represent Intel in India. Ghosh will continue to be responsible for establishing new growth areas for Intel in the South Asian region. Ghosh will continue leading strategic engagements with governments and industry in these countries to establish policies and initiatives that help accelerate the adoption of technology in the region, especially as an enabler of inclusive growth and development.
With over 7,500 employees, Intel India is Intel’s largest non-manufacturing site outside the US and the presence of two senior leaders at the helm in the country reiterates Intel India’s strategic importance to Intel Corporation. (ANI)