Hyderabad: The city police had launched another people-friendly initiative to make the city safe. The city police have revived the ancient Mughal era ring-the-bell-for justice system to help the people in distress.
In ancient times, a pole was erected with a bell to be ranged by the distressed persons to seek help from the government officials.
The latest “Save our Soul” (SOS) pole has been devised on the pattern of ancient justice seeking bell.
Such SOS poles have been installed in different places of the city. A distressed person can push a button in an emergency to seek the police help. In case of theft or losing costly articles the people can call the police immediately by pressing the button. By pushing the button the victims will get the police help in minutes. The Important thing is that this device does not require any internet signal.
The camera installed on the SOS pole shall get activated automatically on pressing the button and the device will be connected with the Police Commissioner Office. The social media wing of the police commissionerate will inform the nearest Police patrol to reach the victim.
On reaching the location, the police will locate the victim to render help. In case of the victim not found on the location, the police will conduct a search for him.
Currently, these SOS poles have been installed in KBR Park PVNR Marg and other places. These SOS poles shall also be installed at important historical places to help the tourists and people coming from other states.
The police officials are reviewing other places to install this device to render help to the public.