New Delhi: Instagram came back online after going down for over an hour early Friday morning. Users from all across the world reported that they could not access Facebook’s photo-sharing service via its app and website.
Instagram acknowledged the outage on microblogging site Twitter. “We’re aware that some people are having trouble accessing their Instagram accounts. We’re working quickly to fix the issue,” a tweet from Instagram’s official handle read.
Some users reported that they were not able to access Instagram at all, some reported that the platform was not loading feeds, while others could not make any searches. At times, Instagram’s website simply displayed a “5xx
server error” message.
With users taking to other social media platforms to complain about the outage, hashtag #instagramdown started trending on Twitter soon after the photo-sharing service went down.
Users first reported the outage at around 2:30 am, according to, a site that monitors social media sites for user-reported outage claims. The site registered more than 50,000 outage reports for Instagram within just a few minutes on Friday, Variety reported.
Instagram quite often faces outages due to a wide variety of reasons. Facebook’s photo-sharing service reportedly suffered at least two other major outages in this month.