Inspired by Warren Buffet and Lynch, Gujarati doctor generates phenomenal returns on stocks

Gujarat: Dr Hitesh Patel (50), a Dermatologist by Profession, had over the past few years generated up to 45 times return on select stocks.

Donald Francis, a value investor, and founder of says about Hitesh that “He has remained my main sounding board before major investment decisions since 2010 when we first met.
I was much impressed with his clarity of thought and ability to cut through the clutter and simplify things for us.”

According to the News Article published in Economic Times, Hitesh Patel has well knowledge of technical analysis and he uses it to identify the right entry point in a particular stock.
Further he says that “I try to look at the business quality, valuation, management quality, balance sheet, opportunity versus size and enterprise value of a business and then start working on it.”

Mr. Patel follows Peter Lynch and global investment guru Warren Buffett religiously.

He says that pharma multibagger Ajanta Pharma was part of his portfolio from 2010 to 2015 and it gave him 45 times, or 4,500 per cent, return during that period.

Among other big gainers, Kaveri Seed Company BSE -0.38 % gave him five-times return between 2012 and 2014; VST Tillers swelled four times during 2013-14, PI Industries climbed six times between 2013 and 2015 and CanFin Homes multiplied his wealth by over 12 times between 2013 and 2016.

It is not that Hitesh did not see failures. He had seen what failure is when he registered negative growth in stocks like Unity InfraprojectsBSE -0.29 % and Renuka SugarsBSE 4.14 %, which delivered negative return for long.

He confessed that “I started investing in stocks without much knowledge and lost a lot of money between 2003 and 2008.”

But his determination didn’t took him back. He says that “But after reading some investment books and coming in contact with like-minded investors on various platforms, I developed the confidence to go full throttle into stock investing.”

Hitesh Patel religiously follows investors such as Donald Francis, Ayush Mittal, Abhishek Basumallick, Anant Jain, Dhwanil Desai and Nirav Parikh.