BY BILKIZ FATIMA OUR FACEBOOK READER FROM MADINA :Mili in her 80’s is an adorable lady with a beautiful heart and great thoughts. Age is just a numerical figure infront of her courageous and self sustained attitude. “Patience is the key to solve all problems” is the funda of her life. She tackles all the maltreatments of the people surrounding her very gracefully.
I applaud and respect Mili for all the qualities she possess. As I spoke to her I realised what a thought provoking statement she gave regarding the money which the shariah permits you to have from your husband (mandatory payment). The Mehr amount can be used however we wish to, most of the women buy gold jewelry out of it but for how long can we wear that gold?
One day or the other we have to die and all that we own will remain here in this world and only our deeds will be counted. “We can make a living by what we get but, we can make a life by what we give”.So why not use that money for charity and provide water by digging a well or a bore for the people who don’t have access to clean and safe drinking. Water which is the basic need for a life to flourish “No Water No Life” will be an astounding way in serving others.