Chief Secretary Dr Rajiv Sharma today directed the officials concerned to complete the process of providing facilities and infrastructure in the new collector offices by Oct 5. The Chief Secretary held a high level review meeting with secretaries of all the departments at Secretariat here. The meeting on Friday assumes significance as the officials were given a target to wind up the registration of staff to be accommodated in various departments.
The officials were asked to complete the agreements of the buildings need to be used for collector offices in various districts. Rajiv Sharma discussed with the secretaries the progress of new districts formation and asked the officials to expedite the process of delimitation. According to information the process of delimitation of the districts is over as the state government sought people opinion by September 20 and said to make necessary changes with regard to revenue divisions, mandals as part of delimitation of the districts. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is firm on carving out 17 new districts making a total of 27 districts to provide hassle free administration and transparent and speedy services to the people. KCR is to take a final call on the districts formation after taking stock of the people opinion which is stressing for new mandals and revenue divisions. Ministers concerned and Collectors will formally launch the new districts on Dasara festival falling on October 11. (NSS)