Infection control units to be set up in hospitals across Hyderabad

Hyderabad: Telangana health minister T Harish Rao on Sunday directed authorities to set up infection control units in hospitals across Hyderabad.

The minister asked the authorities in charge of the infection control unit to review the hospitals every Monday. Rao further stressed the hygiene of the hospitals along with the diet provided to patients.

“Every patient treated and discharged from a government dispensary should be provided with the necessary medicine free of cost for the days mentioned in the prescription,” he added.

The minister further stressed sterilising surgical equipment and operation theatres, from time to time. In a review meeting with the health officials, Rao directed district hospital coordinators to inspect each hospital in their respective jurisdictions once every month and to identify and solve issues regularly.

The minister further said, “No matter how big a hospital is, medical personnel should be careful with patients and their attendants. The bad attitude of staff nurses towards patients should change. Superintendents should take strict actions against the staff demanding money from patients.”

A total of 719 senior residents have been appointed in 26 district hospitals and the appointment of 133 midwifery nurses, trained for 18 months, will be initiated soon. Rao asked hospital authorities to ensure that the medicines are stocked for at least three months.