Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Lokayukta police on Tuesday raided the residence of an assistant commercial tax officer and found unaccounted wealth worth Rs 1.4 crore.
The accused, identified as, Komal Bali joined the commerce tax department in 2006 as a commercial tax inspector, said Praveen Singh Baghel, DSP, Lokayukta.
“So far, we have found unaccounted wealth worth Rs. 1 crore and 41 lakh, which is many times more than what she must have rightfully earned during her service tenure,” said Baghel.
The unaccounted wealth includes two houses, a farmhouse, gold worth Rs. 10 lakh, and automobiles, said Baghel.
“Apart from freezing all her bank accounts, police are also investigating other transactions and other related documents,” said Baghel.
A case has been registered in the incident and further probe is underway.