Hyderabad: As the social media are flooded with messages and videos in the wake of India Pakistan conflict, the city police has issued an advisory for the netizens. The cops warned that those encouraging hate messages would be liable for punishment as per law.
Reporting that the police have received complaints from people forwarding such unverified information, ToI has quoted Mahesh Bhagwat, Commissioner of Rachakonda police as saying, “We are already working on a few cases. We have issued an advisory to people urging them not to forward such messages without verifying it first. It’s an offence to pass on such messages under the law. Admins of groups which encourage hate messages are liable.”
According to the report, the DGP has forwarded the profile of a Rajahmundry based FB user to the cyber crime team whose pro-Pakistan post received over 401 shares.
Web traffic witnessed a massive surge with over three lakh tweets on Indo-Pakistan relations and Abhinandan’s return. According to content analysis tools, while the hashtag such as ‘India and Pakistan generated over 2.21 lakh tweets, hashtag ‘F-16’ generated over 89000 tweets.