India’s Chowkidar advises unemployed to make pakodas, while the scamsters are successful in fleeing the country, says Congress

New Delhi: The Congress party accused the government of being perhaps deliberately asleep at the wheel while scamsters upped and fled the country.

According to the news reported in Times of India, the congress party said that, one side PM Modi advises to make career out of selling pakodas, on the other side “thieves loot and flee the country”.

Congress leader Kapil Sibal said that “Why is PM Modi refusing to disclose who all travel with him on official tours? Is this the kind of ‘Ease of Doing Business’ the PM talks about.”

Nirav Modi is the prime suspect in a case of alleged misappropriation of as much as Rs 280 crore from Punjab National Bank (PNB).

After the PNB scam became public, Kapil Sibal has been hitting hard at the PM, after photographs of the two Modis together in Davos surfaced.

The Congress party tweeted that “The BJP Govt needs to stop beating around the bush and come clean. Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi scammed the nation right under their noses and yet PM Modi has no answers.”

Added to this, the Congress party also questioned “Has the size of bank loot scam peaked to Rs. 21,306 crore? What is the total loss to Banks? Why is Government mum?”,

RD Surjewala, the Congress Spokesperson said that “‘UDAAN’ is the buzzword of Modi Government, wherein every Scamster can ‘fleece and fly’ – ‘unchecked and undetected’.”