New Delhi: Bengaluru-based health technology start-up SigTuple has been selected among the top 10 finalists to participate in Google’s Demo Day Asia, scheduled to take place in Shanghai in September.
SigTuple creates Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based solutions to automate healthcare screening.
It has built intelligent screening solutions to aid diagnosis through AI-powered analysis of visual medical data.
The start-up also has an AI platform called Manthana, which helps analyze visual medical data efficiently.
Manthana has enabled the company to work on five high-volume screening processes — analysis of peripheral blood smears, urine microscopy, semen, fundus and OCT scans and chest X-rays.
“Out of the 305 qualifying applications, the 10 finalists will take the final stage at Demo Day Asia,” said Michael Kim, Partnerships Manager, Google for Entrepreneurs, in a blog post on Wednesday.
Another start-up in the top 10 is Marham from Pakistan. It is a healthcare platform that helps people search, book appointments, and consult with doctors online.
“The start-ups that impress could come home with funding from investors and up to $100,000 in Google Cloud Platform credits,” read the blog post.