Indian school principal wins $1mn in Dubai Duty Free draw

Dubai: The principal of an Indian High School in Ajman has won one million dollars in the Dubai Duty Free (DDF) raffle draw, it was reported.

Malathi Das won million dollars on Wednesday, after the draw held in Terminal 2 of Dubai International Airport, reports Gulf News.

Speaking to Gulf News, Das said she was grateful for the win.

“In current times, this is a great blessing. Rest assured, the money will be put to good use.”

Das said she was waiting go back to her home in India where she would like to help some of her relatives in need of money.

She also said she would like to set aside some money for the school in Ajman where she is currently the principal.

According to the organisers of DDF, Das is the 165th Indian national to win million dollars since the promotions began in 1999.

DDF also said Indian nationals make up the highest number of DDF Millennium Millionaire ticket buyers.