Hyderabad: In addition, the Indian Railways have announced a new set of Standard Operating Protocol (SQP) to be obeyed by the passengers. Rail passengers intending to travel by special train services are advised to adhere to the following:
- Passengers should reach the Railway station at least 90 minutes before the scheduled departure of the train.
- Persons with authorised journey tickets shall only be permitted to enter Railway premises and board trains.
- Unreserved tickets shall not be issued for these trains.
- Passengers with symptoms of Covid-19 shall not be allowed to travel.
- Linen/Blankets will not be provided inside the trains.
- Please travel with minimal luggage, which you are able to carry on your own.
- Persons with co-morbidities, pregnant women, children below 10 years of age, and persons above 65 years of age are requested to avoid travel by trains unless the journey is essential.
- Please maintain personal hygiene as well as avoid littering Railway premises and trains.