Indian mum to visit ex-conjoined girls

Australia, December 27: The Bangladeshi mother of the separated twins Krishna and Trishna will soon fly to Australia to see her daughters, the babies’ legal guardian says.

Mahfuzur Rahman Atom, known as Atom Rahman among his Australian friends, is the legal guardian in Bangladesh of the formerly conjoined twins and arranged the girls’ travel to Australia for treatment in 2007.

Rahman, who returned to Bangladesh from Australia last week said he has spoken to the twins’ mother, Lovely Mollick, several times since his return and is organising a trip to Australia for her to visit Trishna and Krishna.

“I told her that she could very soon travel to Australia to see her daughters. She thanked us for the daughters’ operation. She now wants to see them,” he said.

The girls were born in December 2006 and six weeks later the impoverished Mollicks placed them in an orphanage in Dhaka.

They were later put up for adoption, in the hope they could receive medical care.

Last month the twins, who have been in Australia for two years, were separated in a marathon operation in Melbourne after neurosurgeons prised apart the bone and blood vessels of their brains to allow them to lead separate lives.

Mollick spoke of her delight that her children had survived the risky operation, but said she wanted them to stay in Australia for a better life.

She recently said she wants to talk with her daughters and to hold them in “my lap just for a moment”.
